Recently I have Added in CreateProxy Feature Called Routers, this Feature allow CreateProxy users do Proxy Networking, Rotating and Proxy Load Balancing, to start using this Feature you no need any special knowlenge as everything has been done by me and is managed automatically by CreateProxy. Only thing you will need is DEDICATED SERVER or VPS with CENTOS 7 preinstalled that will be turned into Router by CreateProxy Automatically.
First, let's explain how proxies work without a router. This is a general way to use proxy addresses whether you use CreateProxy cloud tools or merchant tools.
This is a general way to use proxy addresses, meaning you can connect to a destination page through a proxy address in a country. To create such Proxy Addresses, you can use the tools that CreateProxy offers - currently Cloud or Merchant Tools, but let's take a look at how the same connection works using a router.
As you can see in the picture, if you use a router, each connection is first processed by the router and then sent to the proxy server and then to the destination page. So what are the disadvantages of such a router connection?
Connecting through a router will always be slower than connecting directly to a proxy address - there may be exceptions, but in general there will actually be a slight delay that depends on the distance between you and the router and the router and proxy server. Then, of course, the speed will affect the distance of the proxy server from the target - but this apply even without the use of a router. Let me show you on image bellow, how important is proxy network planning.
In the image above you can see what happens when you send a request to a target in Ireland from Europe via a router in the USA and a proxy server in Australia. This is just a demonstration that sending requests across the planet is not a good idea, network planning is important and DISTANCE MATTER - Most people probably already know this, but I had to emphasize it for those who don't think about these things. So lets look on good example on how to use Router.
In the picture above you can see that the connection time is much shorter, this is because all hops are performed within Europe. Even better results can be achieved if the client, router, proxy servers and target are in the same country, I just want to point out the differences that arise from the distance between the individual hops. Of course, it also depends on the hardware, connection speed, firewalls etc.
What are the benefits of using routers?
1 Router Proxy to Rule them all
Thanks to the router, you can connect to the Router Access Point and manage proxy servers via CreateProxy. So you no longer have to set or download proxy addresses, because they are automatically uploaded to the router. So yes, now all you have to do is connect to one Proxy address (Router) and then through which proxy you connect will decide the router by chosen access point algorithm and available proxy servers under specific access point
The automation feature allows you to set up the creation and deletion of servers for cloud tools. Before the router existed, automation was a useless feature, because if new servers were created automatically, the user still had to download a list of currently active proxy servers (except users that using API to fetch Proxy List). This changed with the arrival of the Router, because new servers are automatically uploaded to the router and if they are deleted, then they are also automatically removed from the router. So yes, now thanks to routers we can talk about complete automation.
Proxy Stats Checking
Once Proxies are added in Router, Router is checking every 2 seconds If every Proxy is responding, If at any time the router detects that the proxy is not working, it disables it for incoming connections until it detects again that the proxy is responding again. As a result, only proxy servers that work will be used for incoming connections.
What are Access Points?
Every request you send to the router you send to the selected access point, basically after installing the router, you must create an access point, the access point is the port number. So if you create a router on the IP ADDRESS then you can create an access point on the port of your choice, for example 3128, then you can use such an access point by connecting to, every time you send request to this access point, the selected proxy server will be assigned to this access point for your request based on the selected algorithm of this access point, also you may setup for access point how many request client may send per specific time interval, If Access Point has to serve only IP4, IPv6 or Mix of Proxy Servers and more..
In the picture above, you can see that you can set up any number of access points on the router, which, as I mentioned, differs by port number - one port can only be used for one access point, but that's probably clear. So once you have access point, you can define Server Sources under this access point. It is important to know that you do not enter or select which proxy servers a particular Access Point will use - Proxy servers are loaded dynamically into the Access Point from this sources (Except Extensions such as Proxy Import Feature - yes it's also possible to upload Proxy List into Router Access Point Manually). So, for example, all you have to do is define an AWS CreateProxy account and as soon as you manually create a proxy server via this account in CreateProxy, this Proxy Server will automatically be uploaded to the router within a minute of its creation. And if you remove this Proxy created by this AWS Cloud Tool Account, then this Proxy Server will be also automatically removed from your Access Point Proxy List - Hands OFF, most of the things are automatized.
Each access point can easily have thousands of proxy servers, which are assigned from Cloud Tools, Merchant Tools, Imported manually or Added by Extensions. So you can actually create any mix of proxy servers on each Access Point, you can, as I mentioned, determine whether the access point should use only IPv4 or only IPv6 proxy addresses from defined sources. The router feature is extremely useful if you are creating thousands of IPv6 Proxy Servers.
Security & Authorizations
You can generate any number of credentials for single Access Point, so If you want to start using Access Point, just go over to Auth Management select Access Point for you want to create credentials, select Expiration (or 0 to disable expiration) Add IP Address (or multiple IP Addresses) and thats it, someone from specific IP Address may imnidiatelly start using this Access Point and all Proxies assigned to this Access Point. When you create Access Point you can also select Auth Cache Time - this number define how often router will reauthenticate client, be carefull when setting in Auth Management Expiration on Auth Cache Time, since If you enable Expiration in Auth Management, client will be reauthenticated after define Auth Cache Time - If Auth Cache time is huge, client may use Access Point even when Credentials Expired. Also you can set BAN cache, basically if somebody connect to the access point without IP Whitelisted by Auth Management, Router will imnidiatelly reject every next Request in time less then BAN CACHE time interval. Please note, BAN cache exist because even you as owner may try to connect to router without IP whitelisted, If so, just wait for BAN cache interval, whitelist IP and try again.