Hello first of all thanks for providing this amazing site to help us save money by creating proxies with your help! But i am just starting out trying the service and have a few issues i was hoping you might be able to help me figure out really appreciate any help in advance here i go! So i watched your youtube video very excellently made and read the updates under the azure add account screen and also added the providers ms compute and network option! So i followed everything to the t and made sure to do this several times here is whta im getting thanks in advance for any help it tells me its having trouble signing me in from the add account i get this.
Request Id: 68eed7cd-0417-4422-8cbe-a098d6435000
Correlation Id: a74d3e25-e76d-43e6-82ca-8ee545031a29
Timestamp: 2023-01-23T04:20:15Z
Message: AADSTS50011: The redirect URI 'https://createproxy.com/callbackazure' specified in the request does not match the redirect URIs configured for the application '834eb129-8537-425a-ab8b-2671d105d1d6'. Make sure the redirect URI sent in the request matches one added to your application in the Azure portal. Navigate to https://aka.ms/redirectUriMismatchError to learn more about how to fix this. Really want to use createproxy just cant seem to figure this part out thanks!
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